A laugh out loud workshop curing Seriousitis™.
Seriousitis™ is the ‘as is, is dis-ease in America. It is the opposite of Wellness and Affirmative Health. The symptoms are depression, obsession, and repression of joy, hope, and enthusiasm for life. Seriousitis™ creates limits, stress and pain, physical, mental and emotional.
Seriousitis™ is caused by the belief that someone, other than you created the dis-ease, and creates your happiness.
Gary and stand-up comic and business branding expert Randy Wight lead a 6-hour workshop on Transformational Goals that is loaded with laughs.
The workshop is called by many Enlightenment by Laughter.
To set up a Cure for Seriousitis worskshop near you call me 510-914-0279 or contact me online.