How to Create Happy.
1. Begin with a Smile till you are Happy. It works and is contagious!
2. Relax-Use your exhales to let go. Learn the figure 8 relaxing exercise. Find your wrist-tapping acupressure spot and learn Emotional Freedom Technique-EFT.
3. Create Yes And, owning life, and your experience. Your rainy day story can ruin your Happy.
4. Write your Gratitude Lists-Use your five friends-who, what, where, when, and why*.
5. Move your Focus on what you have and you will have plenty. Corollary-uck!
6. Practice the Golden rule-Know how you want to be treated, and treat yourself.
7. Always Look for Solutions-Problems are like Velcro-sticky stuff. Solutions are like Teflon, so pay attention, they can slip away.
8. De-odorize your ‘stinking-thinking-the should’s, have-too’s, must’s, worry, can’t, always, never, blame, try, doubt, excuses and the most odiferous word hate.
9. See life’s Continuums-We are all on binary continuums of yes/no, good/bad, happy/sad. See yourself as a verb-flexible, changeable, free, not a fixed noun. Create a broader fulcrum for your continuum’s, with less wild swings, increasing your ability to be Happy longer and transition to the Third Forces-yes, no, maybe.
10. Ask questions more than statements. Engage others and yourself with your curiosity. No one really cares how much you know till they know how much you care. Your questions show caring.
11. Learn to place your attention out on other people. We all need, want and enjoy attention. Give it way, your FADS (fear, anger, doubt, sorrow) exist when your attention is in on you. Public Speaking fear is in you, not in the audience!
12. Hugs are the piece d’ resistance of Happy. A self-hug can be even more impactful than a hug from a friend.
*Why-Because People like to work with Happy People.