Speaking with Confidence Content and Charisma
The Art of Presenting Yourself
Basic Business 101-
Be on Time, with a Plan, and Looking Good.
Behind the scenes:
1-Know what you want!
2-Know you can have it deserve it, and are willing to work for it.
3-Know your audience.
4-Write your introduction for the emcee featuring credibility, expertise, and topic.
The Show-Structure
1-Grab attention-Tell a Joke-Use Saturday Night Live Outrageousness. Be inclusive and personal.
2-Tell them what you are going to tell them, the topic, and your introduction.
3-Tell them-The presentation body. Use threes that point to story, and story to point, such as past, present, and future.
4-Use careful segues to connect points. Eliminate fillers-um, er’s, so, okay?.
5-Tell them what you told them. Recap.
6-Key Point-Your call to action-the offer-the contract; your reason to present today.
1-The world works with threes-Active, Passive, and Neutralizing; Father, Son, and Holy Ghost; Larry, Moe and Curly.
2-No One Cares how much you know until they know how much you care. ♥
3-Public Speaking Fear-Aliens may take your brain, so own it and laugh. Please Pause to allow your message to integrate.
4-Make Meaningful Eye Contact one thought at a time.
5-Purpose-Make the audience fall in love with you.♥
Content-Digital remembering: Here is a way of remembering your content and teaching the audience to remember using with more than their head. Use your fingers as a way to remember!
Thumb-What it is. Your product, service or value.
Index finger-What your product or service does.
Middle Finger-How to use it.
Ring finger-When to use it.
Pinky-Results to expect.
Segues-Further defined:
Segues replace the amateurs’ fillers, the (eh, er, um). They create transitions from one thought to the next. They empower transitions from one thought to the next.
A professional SEGUE uses phrases that directly relate to what has been said and leads to the next thought, the next point or the next story.
Three appropriate engaging Segues:
1- Speaking of _____,
2- Pondering this question of ______,
3- That reminds me________.
The ultimate SEGUE is the PERIOD. Punctuate your idea with the MEANINGFUL PAUSE. Hold the space for the audience to consume your last idea and use that idea to lead to the next idea. Theereby connecting your message.
“The Fall is one of my four favorite seasons. It is a time to reflect upon our personal harvest.
”Speaking of harvest there are items we can gather during all the season, and one of them is gratitude.
Gathering our harvest of gratitude can easily be done by using the Five Friends-Who, What, Where, When and Why. These are friends that act as SEGUES.
Who I am grateful for are my grandchildren and their joy.
Speaking of joy the Church Choir rehearsals have been a joy to the grandchildren. I invite you to join our presentation.
When I think of a public presentation I think of my presentation coach Gary C. Smith. We are working to keep our enthusiasm about life and slow our speaking so we can all feel the excitement of harvesting our gratitude.
Where are you most grateful?
What has your enthusiasm?
Why not get excited about the wonders of life before our act is closed and a Life Insurance Professional, like Shelia Tyson, is delivering your family a check.
In closing, it is how we SEGUE from one idea to the next that connects all of us together as one people, seeking peace and happiness this fall season.”
A SEGUE is a transition from one idea to another. Using a pause we can move past the awkward fillers the ums, ers, so, and, instead use phrases to connect to the next idea. Often it is a case of reframing the last phrase to connect the next idea.
It is SEGUES that keep our audience Paying Attention.
Part of life is the 51% of our presence that is our audience- the others, those we engage.-Turn to your neighbor and say-So glad you are-So glad you are.
To deliver your most empowering message, to inspire and motivate, to take your business or relationships to the next level you need to get a handle on Seriousitis™. Our United States Declaration of Independence gives us the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. In Thomas Jefferson’s day, pursuit meant practice, the cure for Seriousitis™ is Practicing happiness.
Public speaking is anytime you are speaking to another person and want them to hear. Be prepared, be present, have a plan, use a written introduction, grab our attention, use threes, use stories to create points and points with stories, recap and call us to action.
Your path to Public Speaking Charisma is to get the audience to fall in love with you.
Call to Action
I am available for private coaching from brainstorming to bravo. From meet and greet to thank you. My book How to Own the Stage will greatly expand on the topics as does personal coaching.
Be gentle with yourself.